Saturday, March 15, 2008


Lot of news on Tibet today, specifically on the riots on Lhasa and how countries like Nepal and India are stopping protesters in their cities.

Of course, the world decries the oppression in Tibet while the Dalai Lama sits in India. The question I have is - what should India do? Have the Tibetans in India over-stayed their welcome in India? My own view is yes they have. For anyone who has been to Dharamsala or McCleodganj can testify, the Tibetans there are a law onto themselves. An Indian cannot buy property there without the permission of the Tibetans, young Tibetans thrive on the hefty UN grants they get (in US$) drinking and committing crime. Quite frankly, I felt like a foreigner in Dharamsala.

And what of the Hollywood actors who support the Dalai Lama? Well, I think they should be told that if this is a problem that's close to their heart they should go petition their government to accept all the Tibetans as refugees - something Washington will never do...

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